
Neo4j 3.1, now in public beta, introduces many new exciting features. It improves upon existing security features to provide enterprise class user management, including role based authentication and AD/LDAP integration. The release introduces a new clustering architecture called Causal Clustering that enables very large clusters of Neo4j to be deployed across data centers while maintaining the data integrity that is is critical for the property graph model. Other highlights include database kernel and operations advances, user defined functions, a new Cypher command line interface, and Neo4j Browser improvements.

In this webinar we will cover these new features in detail, including a live demo where we will show how to deploy a Neo4j 3.1 cluster and manage users using the new security features.

    William Lyon, Developer Relations Engineer, Neo4j

    William Lyon is a Developer Relations Engineer with Neo4j. Prior to joining Neo, William worked as software developer for several startups in the real estate, quantitative finance and predictive API spaces. William holds a Masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Montana.

    Webinar: Introducing Neo4j 3.1: New Security and Clustering Architecture

    Thursday, October 20th
    at 11:00 PDT | 2:00 EDT

    Neo4j 3.1, now in public beta, introduces many new exciting features. It improves upon existing security features to provide enterprise class user management, including role based authentication and AD/LDAP integration. The release introduces a new clustering architecture called Causal Clustering that enables very large clusters of Neo4j to be deployed across data centers while maintaining the data integrity that is is critical for the property graph model. Other highlights include database kernel and operations advances, user defined functions, a new Cypher command line interface, and Neo4j Browser improvements.

    In this webinar we will cover these new features in detail, including a live demo where we will show how to deploy a Neo4j 3.1 cluster and manage users using the new security features.

    About the Speakers

    Igor Borojevic, Director of Product Management, Neo4j

    Igor is an entrepreneurial, practical thinker who thrives in fast-paced environment. Before joining Neo, he worked at eBay as product owner for in-house machine translation service enabling cross-border commerce. Igor was passionate about computers ever since age six when his dad build him a ZX80 home computer. In his free time, Igor loves getting outdoors - from sailing to climbing interesting mountains.

    William Lyon, Developer Relations Engineer, Neo4j

    will lyon.pngWilliam Lyon is a Developer Relations Engineer with Neo4j. Prior to joining Neo, William worked as software developer for several startups in the real estate, quantitative finance and predictive API spaces. William holds a Masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Montana.


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